Everything feels so scattered lately. My thoughts, my new house, my belongings still in storage. I feel as if each day is never quite put together and I am pretty sure I know why. I have so neglected to be steadily in the Word of God the past month or so. I chuck it up to being busy with the move, new house and health issues. But truthfully, they are just excuses. I am not saying that reading God's Word is going to magically solve the chaos of my physical life at this moment, but what it will do is give me a peace within that slowly, but surely, works its way out and allows me to enjoy the moment I am in, count the blessings I already possess and give my burdens to the ONE who truly cares and wants to take them away.
With that said, my new priorities... to spend time in HIS Word (the Bible) each day, count my blessings and praise HIM for Who HE is. The three things in life that yield a return far greater than anything else I can spend my time doing.
Matthew 11:30 (New International Version)
"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
What are you talking about? New House? Where are you now:?
Hi Kami,
Yes, a new house. I finally stayed the night a couple nights ago and it feels great. Bathroom only has a toilet, so still taking showers at my parent's, but I can handle that. The house is just a couple houses down from my parent's house in Cedar. Lots still to do, but I love it. Small, but a perfect size for me.
I hope all is going well for you. Right now you are on vacation with the family and I trust enjoying it fully.
Talk to you more later...
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