Friday, November 6, 2009

The kindness of strangers...

I already wrote about this on my Facebook today, but just in case someone else stumbles upon my blog... thought I would share on here as well.

Today I was shopping at Parable Kregel Christian Bookstore, one of my favorite places to shop. While there I looked through the Bibles. I was looking for a different version or something new for next years Bible reading. Well, I picked up the NIV Archaeological Bible. I took it to the counter and asked how much it would be and they said $32.00 (approx). I said thanks and said I would think about it. The woman next to me in line asked me what type of book it was and I opened it and showed her that it had different historical facts and archaeological site findings throughout it. She asked why I would want to read such a large book. I told her that it makes Biblical times more real to me. I love reading about the culture and how they lived then.

This is the amazing part... She then tells me she wants to buy the Bible for me for Christmas. I was in shock. I told her I could not let her do that, but she insisted. She said I should not prevent her from having the joy and blessing of giving it to me and that she could afford to do it. I did not know what to say. I thanked her profusely and still said that she did not need to do such a thing. I was so overwhelmed with emotions I started to cry a bit. She hugged me and was so sweet.

Before she left, she hugged me again. I got her name and told her thanks yet again. After I got to work I wrote and mailed out a thank you card to her, but that does not express how much she effected me today.

Today I learned that some people are still worth trusting. They are full of the love of Christ and have somehow learned in this dark and evil world how to truly love and give of themselves for others. Christ loved like that, fully. Maybe the money part was not a big deal to this woman, I do not know, but the effort she gave to reach out to me and to show kindness was beyond putting a value of money on. Truth be told, I could have afforded to buy the Bible, but God knew I needed to experience this today. He knew that I needed to see HIS love demonstrated. He knew I needed the reminder that there are still trustworthy people. HE gave this to me, so that I could "Pay it Forward" as well.

I am forever changed by a woman who was generous. Generosity... it can mean a world of difference to someone. Try it and see.